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Aeronautics and Air Transport Research

7th Framework Programme 2007-2013

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ATOM at Aerodays 2011 - 30 March to 1 April - Madrid

Innovative System for Airport Security

At Aerodays 2011, the "Sixth European Aeronautic Days", which took place in Madrid from 30 March to 1 April 2011, Roberta Cardinali, from SESM scarl - a FinMeccanica company, being the coordinator of the ATOM Project, presented its objectives and expected results, as well as the ATOM Consortium.

She highlighted how the ATOM system is expected to increase the security level in the airport area, without interfering with normal operations, indirectly contributing also to the security of the flights.

The presentation, which was made during the session "Optimising the Airport of the Future", inside the track "Ensuring Customer Satisfaction and Safety", aroused keen interest.

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